Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Where's Ben-Bob been?

Astute readers (as well as those with too much time on their hands) will have noticed that I haven't posted for several days. In fact, this has been my longest hiatus since starting this humble blog, a side effect of long and highly educational hours in the hospital and clinic (of which more later).

In the meantime, there's a rumor going around that in a past life I may have been implicated in some musical productions. There have even been some requests that perhaps examples could appear right here on this very blog. Unfortunately, being on the road as I am right now I have limited access to the archives, but when I get back to Ben-Blog Mission Control I'll see about uploading some groove.


At August 16, 2007 at 11:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was extra kind to the shiny new med student last night, keeping you and your med student adventures in mind- I only snickered to myself, when, during a PIH workup in spanish the student asked our pt if she had a "dolor de cerveza."


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