The hospital in Veracruz
This is where I began working on my first day in Mexico, the Emergency Department of the Hospital Regional de Alta Especialidad de Veracruz:

Inside is a triage area, a trauma bay, and the main ward:

On the desk are typewriters for patient charting. In the absence of a computerized charting system, all patient notes are typed on vintage manual typewriters. Immediately following rounds, the ward is filled with the clatter of progress notes being typed on half a dozen typewriters. Despite my limited Spanish skills I was able to help with a little of the more mundane typing, but I needed a refresher course in ribbon management.
In the center a resident holds a film up to the ceiling lights to examine it. There's a light box in the trauma bay, but not one at the resident workstation. Thoroughly examining a film using an overhead light fixture requires a certain art. In the background is a patient on a ventilator, and to the right another ventilator is standing by. It's not unusual for there to be three or four patients on ventilators here at a time.
Labels: Tales of the ER, Veracruz
Typewriters!? The hospitals here DREAM of having typewriters!
Is there any hope of seeing the intern pictured in the foreground in the scrubs described earlier?
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